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Scientists have identified smoking

The benefits of smoking, oddly enough, it sounds, lies in the stimulating effect that nicotine has on the brain, causing improvement in memory and the quality of information processing. In this regard, according to clinical research published in recent years, scientists concluded that the use of this property of nicotine in the treatment of many, actually incurable diseases. What was proved by some practical benefits of smoking.

It was found that nornicotine, which is a product of nicotine cleavage in the human body, significantly slows down the course of Alzheimer's disease, which can be quite efficiently used in the production of drugs for the treatment of this disease. Also, smoking people (compared to non-smoking) reduced by 70% reduced risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

The benefits of smoking and for allergies, since Nicotine, speaking as a soft antidepressant, is able to prevent smokers from the smokers the occurrence of allergic allergic, urticaria and hay fever, as well as facilitate the clinical course of ulcerative stomatitis and colitis.

Undoubted smoking for the prevention of inflammatory skin diseases, due to the suppression of nicotin (similar to acetylcholine) of production in the body of a specific protein provoking the appearance of herpes.

Usually, all smokers note that the most noticeable use of smoking is in a fairly fast and effective removal of stress, due to the change in the mental and physical condition of the smoking. It is also possible to transition from the state of relaxation into a state of vigor, and on the contrary, as smoking can be both soothing (in a stressful situation) and stimulating (in a relaxed state).

Some women are convinced that for them the greatest benefit of smoking is possible to optimally control their weight, without resorting to additional means for weight loss, because smoking dulls the feeling of hunger.

However, we should not forget that, with all its merits, tobacoccoing has a huge negative impact on the body, much more than the benefit. Nicotine is a powerful respiratory stimulator and can cause "cancellation syndrome". That is, in the body of the avid smokersman Nicotine ceases to stimulate the process of breathing, and if smoking fails - even causes oppression (discomfort), which can last up to two weeks.

Probably, every person must decide for himself, smoke him, or - no! .. https://brokerlist.top/in/georgia
