TenP Files: Pardini P10


Pardini Fiocchi P10

Sight Adjustments

Elevation: Clockwise down (right adjuster).
Windage: Clockwise right (left adjuster).
1 click = 2mm @ 10m.

Trigger Adjustments

Trigger adjustments

Second Stage Weight: Turn screw F clockwise to increase.
Second Stage Travel: Turn screw B clockwise to increase second stage travel.
First Stage Weight: Turn screw A clockwise to increase first stage weight.
First Stage Travel: Turn screw C clockwise to shorten takeup.
Trigger Stop: Turn screw D clockwise to shorten over travel. If taken too far the pistol will not cock.




Unscrew the two side screws (#140 on the exploded view) and remove the pin just behind them (#143). This will allow removal of the complete internal mechanism. The cylinder piston and valve assembly can be easily slid out downwards as shown.
Before reassembling, ensure that the arming rod (#149) is in its rest position retracted rearwards, and that the breech cover (#157) is closed.

General Maintenance

During use the lever pressure may diminish due to the settling in of the pivots. To retighten, the eccentric pin (#118) should be rotated one or two clicks clockwise.

Exploded View