TenP Files FAS 603

FAS 603

Sight Adjustments

Clockwise down.

Clockwise right.


Trigger Takeup

Use allen key (#3) to increase/decrease takeup travel. In order for trigger transfer bar to reset it is necessary to have some takeup.

Trigger Shoe Position

Unlock screw with allen key (#4) to reposition, then re-lock in place.

First Stage Trigger Weight

Turn allen key (#2) clockwise to increase weight.

Second Stage Trigger Travel

This can be adjusted by allen key (#6). Turn in very small increments (5 degrees or so) at a time.

Second Stage Trigger Weight

Turn screw #5 with a small screwdriver, clockwise to increase. 1 turn – approx 100g.

NOTE: Both #5 and #6 should not be adjusted too often. When satisfied with trigger release lock screws in place with low grade loctite or nail varnish and leave them alone.

EXTRA NOTE: With early model 603s it will be necessary to access screws #5 and #6 by removing the hammer assembly from the frame (no access holes are drilled in the frame).

Top Secret Trigger Stop

We assume that this is a top secret adjustment as the factory have never mentioned it. Noted in later model 603s only.

You will need a small allen key to gain access to this through the top of the magazine well. It is easiest if you remove the slide cover and slide first. Located behind trigger in mag well, turn clockwise until trigger does not release, then back off one quarter turn.

We have occasionally had problems where the stop screw fouls the 1st stage trigger spring (horseshoe shaped). If so, remove screw and turn down the end to a point to miss the spring.


Cock pistol and check chamber is empty.

Push takedown lever (front left in front of slide lug) down and through 180 degrees.

Remove barrel shroud and barrel, lift slide cover off and remove slide.

Important Maintenance


Regularly check slide buffer and clip – located at inside rear of slide cover. Replace as old one flattens.

Recommended Load

98gr HBWC with 1.5grains WST.


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