TenP Files: Walther LPM1


Walther LPM1

Sight Adjustments

Elevation: If shots go high, turn towards H (anti clockwise).
Windage: If shots are to the right, turn towards R (anti clockwise).

Trigger Adjustments

Walther LPM1 trigger adjustments

Trigger slack: Screw a. Turn clockwise to reduce takeup.
Trigger stop: Screw b. To remove overtravel turn clockwise.
Trigger pull weight: Screw d. Turn clockwise to increase.
Further instructions from the manual are a little confusing. My apologies, but I repeat as printed:
Sear engagement: Screw c. If no sear engagement can be felt, turn screw c clockwise.
Adjustment: Screw e. This screw is set at our works and then sealed. Adjusting this screw will alter the entire function of the pistol.
Trigger weight up to sear engagement: (I assume first stage weight). Loosen screw m and push plate k backwards. This results in a greater trigger weight up to sear engagement. Tighten screw m again.

“The trigger unit is adjusted in our company at the very best. If it is however necessary to change it, you have to dismount the hand rest and the grip plate with the screwdriver 4mm. You will reach the fixing screw for the grip plate through the hole in the lower portion of the grip plate. It is very important to adjust the trigger unit in the pistol, ie not outside of the frame.”

Dry Firing

If you cock with only the action cocking lever (on receiver) it is possible to dry fire. Be aware that the first dry fire after a live shot may result in the expulsion of some air.

Walther LPM1
