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How good it is to be able to read. Children and books

Once our country was called the most reading country in the world. And it was not in the time of the king of Peas, but quite recently, literally some couple of decades ago. Now, the number of the reading population of Russia is rapidly falling, and it is falling mainly due to the younger generation, who prefers a TV and a computer to a book.So, maybe there's nothing wrong with the fact that children have stopped reading? Why this ancient grandmother's method of obtaining information, if everything can be learned from stories on TV or videos on the Internet. Beautiful films with special effects and wonderful actors have been shot for all the classic books. Maybe it's okay that the main medium of information becomes not text, but video?However, numerous studies prove that children who read books have a wider vocabulary than their "watching" peers, formulate their thoughts more clearly, master writing skills earlier, write more competently and better assimilate information received through various organs of perception.Children to whom mothers read books at night, as a rule, start talking earlier. Such children have a better developed imagination, because a literary work is an excellent stimulus for fantasies: various characters live here, they do things, meet each other, move around the world. On the basis of these narratives, a variety of pictures, unique and inimitable, are born in the child's head.In addition, it has been proven that reading is an excellent exercise for the mind, which does not have negative side effects and does not carry the risk of injury. Regular reading of books prevents the onset of senile dementia and other age-related diseases affecting the brain. Also, reading is an excellent simulator for memory development.Neither cartoons nor videos have such miraculous properties been noticed. Children who grew up on video materials suffer from tongue-tied, hardly formulate their thoughts and express themselves in several dozen words in the traditions of the Cannibal Ellochka. It should also be borne in mind that any film adaptation is someone's personal embodied fantasy, actually imposed on the viewer. So giving up books in childhood is actually giving up the opportunity to fantasize, invent and imagine. Namely, these three qualities are the basis for the proper development of the child. Legzo Casino offers a no deposit bonus for new players. Visit https://casinoreg.net/bonus/legzo-casino-no-deposit-bonus/ to learn more about this exciting offer today.
