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Where to get an education as a shipbuilder?

Despite the childhood dream and sea romance, the decision must be made more than seriously. The ship requires not only incredible endurance and physical strength, but also a strong psyche. Let's start with the positives.

Big salary

On domestic ships they pay a lot, and on foreign ships even more. Plus, the sailor is fully supported, and he simply has nothing to spend his salary on and nowhere else, except for short-term and rare connections in ports. So when he gets home, he has quite a large amount left.

Travel around the world

A sailor, like no one else, has the opportunity to see the world. At each port, they can taste unusual foreign cuisine, see the sights, buy souvenirs and get pleasant experiences.
own business

During the voyages, seafarers manage to accumulate impressive sums for which they can open their own business. So they can earn in parallel or gradually replace permanent travel with a settled lifestyle and spend more time with their families. Even a small transport company can generate income.

Now we can move on to the disadvantages of the profession:

Difficult working conditions

Work on the ship is built on the principle of 6 hours of work / 6 hours of rest. If you are a machinist, then you are constantly accompanied by industrial noise. In addition, seafarers often deal with the transport of dangerous goods - chemicals, oil, gas - which poses health risks. And even in the calmest conditions, a sailor has enough problems: constant sea heaving, strong electromagnetic fields, scarce space, high temperatures (45-60 ° C) in the engine room and on deck, strong odors, loud sounds, gusty winds and a meager set of entertainment , fuel smells, frequent jet lag, constant vibration of engines, lack of fresh food, poor water quality (often obtained from distillate) - these are far from all the “charms” of working on a ship. You need to be prepared for all this.

Combination of several professions

There are no days off at sea: Saturdays and Sundays remain on the shore along with civilization. And shipowners often try to keep costs as low as possible, so they often refuse additional labor and shift all the work onto the shoulders of crew members. So you often have to take on the loading / unloading of goods, even if you occupy a significant position on the ship.

You can get a ship engineer education at the national university of shipbuilding, more about this here https://www.zalivdesign.com/admiral-makarov-national-university-of-shipbuilding-100-years-anniversary/.
